About the Artist

GemRapture.ca incorporates a love of gemstones with a fascination of metalsmithing. Gemstones are sourced from worldwide artisans who specialize in mining and cutting gems. Deb has a love for intricate designs and purchases limited edition graphics from artists worldwide to incorporate into her work. Using her former graphic design skills, Deb further manipulates our purchased artwork to incorporate gemstone settings and enhance symmetry. The artist specializes in electro-etching metals using gentle salts to achieve deep etchings. Once the 7-hour etching process is complete, the metal is transformed from 2D, into 3D forms. Using traditional metalsmithing techniques, Deb hand forms the jewellery with miniature stakes and hammers. Deb adds another dimension to the original image, transforming them into bold, creative three-dimensional pieces of jewellery-artwork. Years of study with numerous world wide Masters and a Certificate of Jewellery Skills from Alberta University of Arts has only heightened Deb's interest in the jewellery industry.